Discontinued devices

In our eagerness to keep on leading the manufacturing oftechnologies applied to the aesthetic medicine field, theobsolescence of components and the present technological advanceitself have lead us to a process of discontinuation of several of ourdevices (described in detail below).

We officially inform you through this communiqué that the devicesmentioned herein will move to a phase of discontinuation, in effecton the dates referred to in the table below.

Those devices will still be available as new devices during theindicated period. Moreover, some of the components may have a “last purchase” period longer than others.

Our technical service will answer the questions related to thosedevices, whenever possible, even when they may appear asdiscontinued device.

Reference / Product

Date of discontinuationDate of last purchase Date end availability of spare parts
M03 SACO SAUNA27/10/202127/10/202126/10/2026
M04/A SACO TRES DIMENSIONES ARENA19/01/202119/01/202118/01/2026
M05 TERMORELAX15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M06 TERMOLINEA01/10/202031/12/202031/12/2025
M07 PODOLITE15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M08 AFG-30015/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M09 TERMOFACIAL15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M10 DERMOTHERM01/02/202127/10/202126/10/2026
M12 LINFOPRESS ELITE01/02/202101/03/202128/02/2026
M34 FACIAL SYSTEM PLUS15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M35 SKINLIFE15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M38/1 MAX CONFORT 3 TERM15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M39 EPILSYSTEM15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M49 BODY SYSTEM01/10/202031/12/202031/12/2025
M50 BODY ESCULTOR01/02/202131/12/202130/12/2026
M52/B MESOSKIN15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M60 SKINCARE01/02/202101/02/202131/01/2026
MN61 CAVIT 2 (Y SUBMODELOS)01/02/202131/12/202130/12/2026
M62/B SKINPEEL15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
M71 FACIAL SYSTEM EVOL BLANCO20/01/202331/01/202330/01/2028
MN76 VMAT BASIC31/12/201831/12/201830/12/2023
M77 RF ZONE15/11/201915/12/201914/12/2024
MN77 RF ZONE (Y SUBMODELOS)20/01/202331/01/202330/01/2028
MN78 ADIPOLIGHT + RF (Y SUBMODELOS)01/02/202101/02/202131/01/2026
M80 AURA01/02/202101/02/202131/01/2026
M81 RF ZONE VISAGE15/11/201915/12/201914/11/2024
M83 CRIOWAVE15/11/201915/11/201914/11/2024
MN83 CRIOWAVE15/11/201915/12/201914/11/2024
M85 SYMMED 200 (Y SUBMODELOS)17/10/202231/10/202230/10/2027
M85C SYMMED 100 (Y SUBMODELOS)15/10/202115/10/202114/10/2026
M85E SYMMED ELITE (Y SUBMODELOS)17/10/202231/10/202230/10/2027
M86 (Y SUBMODELOS) LINFOPRESS EVOLUTION PRO30/06/202230/06/202229/06/2027
M90 ENEKA15/11/201915/11/201914/10/2024
M92M CRIOCUUM MEDICAL23/05/202423/05/202422/05/2029
M93JC (Y SUBMODELOS) VMAT PRO MEDICAL16/10/202316/10/202315/10/2028
M94 ACCUDERMA FACIAL VEIN REMOVAL15/11/201915/11/201914/11/2024
M95 ACCUDERMA CRYOMESOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGY20/01/202331/01/202330/01/2028
M97 ACCUDERMA BI-ENERGY15/11/201915/12/201914/11/2024
TB6 T6 IPL31/12/201931/12/201930/12/2024

For a better understanding, we advise you to read the definitions in *Annex.


  • Last purchase date – The devices are available to purchase (same state as commercial availability). The last purchase dateperiod starts with this discontinuation notice. After this period, itwill no longer be possible to purchase the device.
  • Availability of spare parts – The products have already beendiscontinued, nevertheless, the technical support and replacementof spare parts is still in place.
  • Availability of the product support – After the final date ofspare part availability, the technical support cannot beguaranteed; however, Termosalud S.L. will still provide thatsupport as long as the resources are available.
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